Are you in some urgent need of money and your pay day is almost a month away from you? In that case, what would you do? Asking money from others or getting a quick and affordable loan? Yes, if you think nothing works out for you right now, you always can go and get some quick loan through some online personal apps which can pay you within an hour or so. Maximum time these apps take is 24 hours. So today, we are talking about one such app called Kissht. Yes, this app will ask for some questions like your PAN card, aadhar card, details and salary and once it is done, they will check how much they can allot you. Everything will be given to you before disbursing the loan to you.
You can simply get the loan and pay it in 15 days or so according to the time given. It is easy and very affordable to use. For downloading this app, you need an app store in your phone and talking about the same, you can download 9Apps from the link and with the help of it, you can also download Kissht.
How to download Kissht from 9Apps?
We have provided you the link here. You can simply click this link and download 9Apps from here. Once it is done, you can search and download the app Kissht too.